Dictionnaire Français-Anglais / French-English Dictionary
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v. to do, make, form, build, perform, cause, act, heave, utter, let, mark, play the part of, bring it about (that), be (weather), take (a step, a nap), commit (an act), have (a dream, supper, anything clone), pay (court, compliment, attention), pass over or cover (distance), serve (time), give (pleasure, trouble, light, pain), say (when quoting), ask (a question), play (a game), attach (importance), cut (teeth), compose (verses), carry on (trade); se --, be done, be made, be produced, grow, become, be; se — à, become accustomed to, adapt oneself to; -- danser, invite to dance, play for a dance for; me — envie, make me envious; -- entrer, show in, take in; -- voir, show; que --?, what is (was, etc.) to be done?; ne — que, only (with a verb); n'avoir que — de, have no reason to, have nothing to do with; -- venir, send for; -- tête à, stand out against, face; il n'a rien à-- ici, it is out of place here; rien n'y fit, nothing worked; être fait à, be adapted to; les noces furent faites, the wedding took place.

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