choisir un terme: 341 | page 11 de 18 | 201. | même | adj. and adv. same, self, very, even; de --, in the same way, at the same time. | 202. | Michel | Michael | 203. | mi | adv. and adj. (invariable), equally; à — -chemin, half way. | 204. | midi | m. midday, noon, twelve o'ciock, south; Midi, m. South of France; les pleins midis, the midday heat. | 205. | miel | m. honey. | 206. | mien, -ne | poss. adj. pr. (usually with article), mine. | 207. | miette | f. crumb. | 208. | mieux | adv. better, more, more comfortable; tant --, so much the better; de son --, the best he can, etc.; le --, best; regardez --, look more closely. | 209. | mignon, -ne | adj. and s. darling, dainty, cunning, dear little. | 210. | migraine | f. sick-headache. | 211. | milice | f. militia. | 212. | milieu | m. middle, midst, middle ground, surroundings. | 213. | militaire | adj. and m. military, soldier. | 214. | mille | card. one thousand; — et deuxième, ord. thousand and second (in this and in the next two words ll is not liquid). | 215. | millier | m. about one thousand, thousand. | 216. | million | m. million. | 217. | minaret | m. minaret. | 218. | minauder | v. to simper, mince, smirk. | 219. | minauderie | f. smirking, simpering. | 220. | mince | adj. thin, slender, narrow. | | |