choisir un terme: 273 | page 12 de 14 | 221. | couche | f. couch, bed, layer, confinement. | 222. | coucher | v. to put to bed, lay out, lay, sleep, set; se --, go to bed, lie down; envoyer se --, send to bed; chambre à --, bedroom; couchant, -e, adj. setting; couché, -e, lying down, in bed, lying, stretched… 0,3 KB | 223. | coude | m. elbow; pousser du --, to nudge. | 224. | coudre | v. to sew; cousu d'or, rolling in money. | 225. | couler | v. to flow, run, run down, trickle down. | 226. | couleur | f. color. | 227. | couloir | m. passage. | 228. | coup | m. blow, stroke, shot, gulp, gust, cast, play, beam; tout d'un --, all of a sudden; tout à --, all of a sudden, suddenly; — sur --, time after time, one after the other; — d'oeil, glance, sight; --… 0,6 KB | 229. | coupable | adj. and s. culpable, guilty, culprit. | 230. | coupe | f. cup, bowl, cut, cutting, stroke. | 231. | couper | v. to cut, cut off; coupant, -e, cutting, sharp. | 232. | couple | f. couple (m. when objects not alike). | 233. | coupole | f. cupola. | 234. | coupure | f. cut, cutting. | 235. | coupé | m. coupé. | 236. | cour | f. court, yard, court-yard. | 237. | courage | m. courage. | 238. | couramment | adv. fluently. | 239. | courant | m. current; — d'air, current of air, draught. | 240. | courbe | f. curve. | | |