choisir un terme: 39 | page 2 de 2 | 21. | lanière | f. thong. | 22. | lanterne | f. lantern. | 23. | lapin | m. rabbit. | 24. | laps | m. lapse, period (ps pronounced). | 25. | laquais | m. lackey, footman. | 26. | lard | m. bacon. | 27. | large | adj. and m. broad, wide, sweeping, great, large, width, breadth, open sea; ouvert tout au --, wide open. | 28. | larme | f. tear; rire aux larmes, to laugh till the tears came. | 29. | larve | f. larva. | 30. | las, -se | adj. weary, tired. | 31. | latakié | m. latakia (a fine Turkish tobacco). | 32. | latin, -e | adj. and s. Latin. | 33. | latéral, -e | adj. lateral, side. | 34. | laver | v. to wash. | 35. | laïque | adj. and s. secular, layman; à la --, outside the Church, among the laity. | 36. | là | adv. there, here (frequent as affix or suffix, when so used see word to which it is added); par --, that way, by there, over that way. | 37. | lâche | adj. cowardly. | 38. | lâcher | v. to loosen, let out, release, undo, let go. | 39. | lâcheté | f. cowardice, cowardly act. | | |