choisir un terme: 660 | page 6 de 33 | 101. | cavalier | m. rider, horseman, cavalier, partner. | 102. | cave | f. cellar. | 103. | caveau | m. vault, small cellar, grave. | 104. | câble | m. cable. | 105. | ça | see cela. | 106. | Célestin | Celestine | 107. | ce | dem. pr. this, that, it; — qui — que, which, what; — disant, saying this. ce, cette (ces, pl.), dem. adj. pr. this, that; cette nuit, last night, to-night. | 108. | ceci | dem. pr. this, this thing. | 109. | ceinture | f. belt, waist. | 110. | ceinturon | m. sword-belt. | 111. | cela | dem. pr. that, that thing, that fellow or he (familiar in last sense); avec --, with that, besides; abbreviated: Ça. | 112. | celle | Voir: celui, celle | 113. | cellier | m. cellar, store-room, basement. | 114. | celui, celle | (ceux, celles, pl.); dem. pr. this, that, This one, etc.; ---ci, ---là, the latter, the former, this one, that one; — qui, he who, etc. | 115. | cendre | f. ashes, cinders. | 116. | cendré, -e | adj. ash-colored. | 117. | cent | card. one hundred; pour --, percent. | 118. | centaine | f. about one hundred, hundred. | 119. | centième | ord. hundredth. | 120. | central, -e | adj. central, chief, of the central office. | | |