choisir un terme: 21 | page 1 de 2 | 1. | aide | f. aid; — de camp, m. aide-de-camp; à l'--!. help! | 2. | aider | v. to aid, help, assist. | 3. | aigle | m. eagle. | 4. | aigrement | adv. sharply, roughly, keenly. | 5. | aigrette | f. egret, aigrette, tuft, plume. | 6. | aigu, -ë | adj. acute, sharp, shrill. | 7. | aiguille | f. needle, hand of a clock (ui pronounced as in lui). | 8. | aile | f. wing. | 9. | aileron | m. pinion, tip of a wing, small wing, fin, stump of an arm (familiar in last sense). | 10. | ailleurs | adv. elsewhere; d'--, besides. | 11. | aimable | adj. kind, agreeable, amiable. | 12. | aimer | v. to love, like; — mieux, prefer. | 13. | ainsi | adv. and conj. thus, so, in this manner, as follows — que, just as. | 14. | ainé, -e | adj. and s. elder, eldest, senior. | 15. | air | m. air, look, appearance, manner; en l'--, in the air, up; — de famille avec, family resemblance to; passer sous son --, to pass to leeward of him; il n'y avait pas d'--, there was no air stirring. | 16. | aise | f. case, pleasure; à son --, à l'--, at one's ease, comfortable, well off. | 17. | aisselle | f. armpit. | 18. | aisé, -e | adj. easy. | 19. | aisément | adv. easily. | 20. | aï | interj. ouch!, oh!, oh my! | | |