choisir un terme: 19 | page 1 de 1 | 1. | biais | m. bias, slope, way. | 2. | bibliothèque | f. library, bookcase. | 3. | bicarbonate | m. bicarbonate. | 4. | bien | adv. and m. well, very, quite, many, much, fully, nicely, properly, comfortable, all right, indeed; m. good, goods, property, possession; — du (etc.), much — des, many; homme de --, good or honest… 0,3 KB | 5. | bien-aimé, -e | adj. and s. well beloved, dearly loved, sweetheart. | 6. | bien-être | m. comfort. | 7. | bienheureux, -euse | adj. and s. blessed, one of the blest. | 8. | bientôt | adv. soon; à --, good-by, I'll see you again soon, etc. | 9. | bienveillance | f. goodwill, friendliness, kindliness. | 10. | bienveillant, -e | adj. friendly, kindly, benevolent. | 11. | bigre | interj. the deuce, etc; | 12. | bijou | m. jewel. | 13. | billard | m. billiard-table, billiards, billiard-room. | 14. | bille | f. billiard-ball, ball, marble. | 15. | billet | m. note, ticket, slip. | 16. | bise | f. north wind | 17. | bistré, -e | adj. bistre-colored, dusky, swarthy. | 18. | bizarre | adj. bizarre, odd, strange. | 19. | bière | f. beer. | | |