choisir un terme: 69 | page 1 de 4 | 1. | Grèce | f. Greece. | 2. | gracieux, -euse | adj. gracious, graceful. | 3. | grade | m. grade, rank. | 4. | grain | m. grain, squall. | 5. | graine | f. seed, germ. | 6. | graisse | f. grease, fat. | 7. | grammaire | f. grammar. | 8. | grand'mère | f. grandmother. | 9. | grand, -e | adj. and s. great, grand, tall, large, big, chief, full, wide (open), open (air), long (step), high (wind, officer, etc.); au — trot, at a fast trot; grande toilette, full evening dress; grand'peine… 0,3 KB | 10. | grand-père | m. grandfather. | 11. | grandement | adv. greatly, highly. | 12. | grandeur | f. greatness, height, size, grandeur. | 13. | grandiose | adj. grand, majestic. | 14. | grandir | v. to grow tall, grow up, grow, make tall or great, enlarge, increase. | 15. | grange | f. barn. | 16. | granit | m. granite. | 17. | granitique | adj. granite. | 18. | grappe | f. cluster, bunch. | 19. | gras, -se | adj. and s. fat, greasy, rich, luxuriant, thick or guttural (speech). | 20. | grassouillet, -te | adj. plump. | | |