choisir un terme: 13 | page 1 de 1 | 1. | Jean | John | 2. | Jean-Baptiste | (p not pronounced), frequent Christian name (from: John the Baptist). | 3. | Jésus | Jesus; --!, interj. heavens!, etc. (s pronounced). | 4. | je | conj. pr. I. | 5. | jet | m. jet. | 6. | jeter | v. to throw, cast, throw out, cast or give forth, throw down or away, utter; se --, throw oneself, etc., dart; la langue au chat, give up guessing. | 7. | jetée | f. jetty, pier. | 8. | jeu | m. game, gambling, trick, set (of dominoes, etc.), gaming; — de mots, pun. | 9. | jeudi | m. Thursday. | 10. | jeune | adj. young, junior; — fille, girl. | 11. | jeunesse | f. youth. | 12. | jeunet, -te | adj. too or very young, youthful. | 13. | jeûner | v. to fast. | | |