choisir un terme: 15 | page 1 de 1 | 1. | ou | conj. or; — ... --, either ... or; — bien, or, or on the other band. | 2. | oublier | v. to forget; s'-- à dormir, forget and go to sleep. | 3. | ouest | m. west (st pronounced). | 4. | ouf | interj. oh!, ah! (usually expresses relief). | 5. | oui | adv. yes. | 6. | ouragan | m. hurricane. | 7. | ourdisseur, -euse | m., f. warper. | 8. | outil | m. tool. | 9. | outre | prep. and adv. beyond, beside; en --, in addition, besides; — Manche, across the Channel. | 10. | ouverture | f. opening. | 11. | ouvrage | m. work, work of art, structure. | 12. | ouvragé, -e | adj. worked, figured, wrought, carved. | 13. | ouvrier, -ère | adj. and s. working, workman, workwoman. | 14. | ouvrir | v. to open; s'--, open, draw aside; ouvert, -e, open, frank, cordial. | 15. | où | adv. where, in which, when; d'--, whence, from where, out of which; par --?, which way?, by which?; dans le cas --, in case. | | |