choisir un terme: 66 | page 1 de 4 | 1. | Seize | card. sixteen. | 2. | se (s') | refl. pr. himself, herself, itself, themselves, etc. | 3. | seau | m. pail, bucket. | 4. | sec, sèche | adj. and s. dry, dried up, skinny, keen, sharp, curt, harsh, dried up fellow. | 5. | second, -e | adj. second (c pronounced as g). | 6. | seconde | f. second (c pronounced as g). | 7. | secouer | v. to shake, shake off. | 8. | secourable | adj. helpful; — pour, willing to help. | 9. | secourir | v. to succor, aid, help. | 10. | secours | m. succor, aid, help, assistance; au --!, help! | 11. | secousse | f. shake, shaking, shock. | 12. | secret, -ète | adj. and m. secret. | 13. | secrétaire | m. secretary, clerk, writing-desk. | 14. | seigneur | m. lord; le Seigneur, the Lord. | 15. | seigneurial, -e | adj. seigniorial, lordly. | 16. | sein | m. breast, bosom. | 17. | sel | m. salt. | 18. | selle | f. saddle. | 19. | selon | prep. according to; — que, according as. | 20. | semaine | f. week. | | |