choisir un terme: 45 | page 2 de 3 | 21. | armer | v. to arm, fit, tip, cock, fit out. | 22. | armoire | f. cupboard, press, closet. | 23. | armoiries | f. pl. arms, coat of arms. | 24. | armurier | m. gunsmith. | 25. | armée | f. army. | 26. | arpenter | v. to measure (land), stride along or over. | 27. | arracher | v. to snatch, tear off, pull out. | 28. | arranger | v. to arrange, treat, "fix"; s'--, be arranged, make arrangements, manage. | 29. | arrestation | f. arrest. | 30. | arriver | v. to arrive, happen, come; pour en — là, to reach that point (figurative). | 31. | arrivée | f. arrival. | 32. | arrière | v. and m. back, rear, stern; en --, back, backwards, behind, on the back (of the head, etc.). | 33. | arrière-boutique | f. back shop. | 34. | arrière-pensée | f. mental reservation, thought not expressed. | 35. | arrondir | v. to round. | 36. | arrondissement | m. district, ward, arrondissement (subdivision of a department). | 37. | arroser | v. to water, sprinkle. | 38. | arrêt | m. stop, pause, decision. | 39. | arrêter | v. to stop, arrest, decide, draw up; s'--, stop. | 40. | art | m. art. | | |