choisir un terme: 348 | page 2 de 18 | 21. | de | prep. of, from, by, with, to, on, in, for, than, as, some (partitive), ~ English possessive ('s); si j'étais — vous, if I were in your place. | 22. | debout | adv. upright, up, standing; se tenir (mettre) --, to stand upright. | 23. | dedans | adv. and m. inside, within, in it, etc.; là- --, in there, in it, etc. | 24. | degré | m. degree, step. | 25. | dehors | adv. and m. outside, out, out of doors; du --, outside, exterior; au --, outside, without; les --, the exterior, the appearance. | 26. | delà | prep. and adv. beyond; au — de, beyond; au --, beyond, more. | 27. | demain | adv. to-morrow. | 28. | demande | f. request, offer of marriage. | 29. | demander | v. to request, ask, ask for, need. | 30. | demeure | f. dwelling. | 31. | demeurer | v. to remain, live, stand, stop; demeuré seul, left alone. | 32. | demi, -e | adj. hall (frequent prefix); à --, half-way, half. | 33. | demi-jour | m. twilight. | 34. | demoiselle | f. young lady, girl of noble birth (old in this sense); — à marier, marriageable young lady. | 35. | denier | m. farthing, penny. | 36. | dent | f. tooth; coup de --, bite. | 37. | dentelle | f. lace, stone-work resembling lace. | 38. | depuis | prep. from, since, for; — que, conj. since. | 39. | derechef | adv. once more, anew. | 40. | dernier, -ère | adj. last. | | |