choisir un terme: 446 | page 2 de 23 | 21. | échassier | m. wading-bird. | 22. | échauffer | v. to heat, inflame, warm; s'--, get warm or hot. | 23. | échelle | f. ladder. | 24. | écheveau | m. skein. | 25. | échevin | m. alderman. | 26. | échine | f. spine, back. | 27. | échouer | v. to fun aground. | 28. | éclaboussure | f. splash. | 29. | éclair | m. lightning, flash. | 30. | éclaircir | v. to clear up, throw light on, be cleared up, clear off, clear. | 31. | éclairer | v. to light, light up, give light to, reconnoiter; s'--, brighten up, brighten, clear up, be explained; éclairé, -e, lighted, bright. | 32. | éclaireur | m. scout. | 33. | éclat | m. splinter, fragment, burst, explosion, flash, brilliancy, brightness, splendor; éclats de voix, outburst, loud voices or exclamations. | 34. | éclater | v. to explode, burst, burst forth, shine, flash out, go off (gun); — de rire, burst out laughing; éclatant, -e, shilling, brilliant, dazzling, resounding. | 35. | éclopé, -e | adj. crippled, lame, with broken legs (of furniture). | 36. | éclore | v. to hatch, corne forth, blossom. | 37. | école | f. school. | 38. | économie | f. economy, saving; faire des économies, to save up money. | 39. | écorce | f. bark. | 40. | écorcher | v. to skin, flay. | | |