choisir un terme: 49 | page 2 de 3 | 21. | fort, -e | adj., adv. and s. strong, clever, hard, very; very much, much, heavy, loud, astounding. | 22. | fortement | adv. strongly, firmly, very. | 23. | forteresse | f. fortress. | 24. | fortification | f. fortification (in pl. the name is given to the wall around Paris). | 25. | fortifier | v. to fortify, strengthen. | 26. | fortune | f. fortune. | 27. | forêt | f. forest; la Forêt Noire, the Black Forest (east of the upper Rhine, in Baden and Würtemberg, corresponding in elevation to the Vosges on the west bank). | 28. | fossette | f. dimple. | 29. | fossé | m. ditch, moat, drain. | 30. | fou, folle | adj. and s. mad, crazy, wild, capricious, crazy person, madman. | 31. | foudre | f. flash (of lightning), thunderbolt. | 32. | fouetter | v. to whip, whip up, lash. | 33. | fouiller | v. to dig, dig in, excavate, search, ransack. | 34. | fouillis | m. confused mass, confusion, disorder. | 35. | fouine | f. beech-marten (white-throated marten). | 36. | foule | f. crowd, lot. | 37. | fouler | v. to trample upon, tread. | 38. | four | m. oven, kiln; le — chauffe pour moi, things are getting hot for me. | 39. | fourche | f. fork, pitchfork. | 40. | fourchette | f. fork. | | |