choisir un terme: 49 | page 1 de 3 | 1. | foi | f. faith. | 2. | foire | m. fair. | 3. | fois | f. time; une --, once; deux --, twice; à la --, at the same time, at a time; il y avait une --, there was once upon a time. | 4. | folie | f. madness, insanity, folly, prank. | 5. | follet, -te | adj. playful, downy, silky; poils follets, clown. | 6. | fonction | f. function, duty. | 7. | fonctionaire | m. functionary, official. | 8. | foncé, -e | adj. dark. | 9. | fond | m. bottom, back, end, background, depths, low-land, heart. | 10. | fonder | v. to found. | 11. | fondre | v. to melt, reduce (fat); — en larmes, burst into tears. | 12. | fonds | m. stock. | 13. | fontaine | f. fountain. | 14. | fonte | f. cast-iron. | 15. | force | f. force, might, strength, full strength; à — de, by dint of; à toute --, in spite of everything; — publique, police. | 16. | forcer | v. to force, make, break through, bend, overwork. | 17. | forestier, -ère | adj. and s. forest, forester, forester's wife. | 18. | forme | f. form, figure, proportion. | 19. | former | v. to form. | 20. | formidable | adj. formidable. | | |