choisir un terme: 42 | page 2 de 3 | 21. | volontairement | adv. voluntarily. | 22. | volontiers | adv. willingly. | 23. | volonté | f. will, wish. | 24. | voltiger | v. to hover, flutter, flit. | 25. | volumineux, -euse | adj. voluminous, bulky. | 26. | voluptueux, -euse | adj. voluptuons. | 27. | volupté | f. pleasure, delight. | 28. | voracement | adv. voraciously, ravenously. | 29. | vos | Voir: votre | 30. | vote | m. vote. | 31. | voter | v. to vote. | 32. | votre | (vos, pl.), poss. adj. pr. your. | 33. | vouer | v. to devote, consecrate, dedicate. | 34. | vouloir | v. to wish, will, be willing, require, decree, start, expert; — bien, be willing, be willing to, accept; — bien de; be willing to accept; — dire, mean; en — à, have a grudge against, be angry wit… 0,3 KB | 35. | vous | conj. and disj. pr. you, to you. | 36. | vous-même (s) | pr. you, yourself, yourselves. | 37. | voyage | m. voyage, journey, trip, traveling, travels. | 38. | voyager | v. to travel. | 39. | voyageur | m. traveler. | 40. | voûte | f. vault, arch. | | |