choisir un terme: 77 | page 3 de 4 | 41. | banque | f. bank. | 42. | banqueroute | f. bankruptcy; faire --, to go into bankruptcy; faire — à, cheat. | 43. | banquette | f. bench (upholstered). | 44. | banquier | m. banker. | 45. | baptiser | v. to baptize, christen (p not pronounced). | 46. | baptême | m. baptism, christening; nom de --, Christian name (p not pronounced). | 47. | baraque | f. booth, shack. | 48. | barbe | f. beard. | 49. | barbiche | f. small beard on the chin, imperial. | 50. | bardeau | m. shingle, thin board (over the rafters). | 51. | baril | m. barrel. | 52. | barioler | v. to variegate, color diversely. | 53. | baron, -ne | m., f. baron, baroness. | 54. | barque | f. bark, small boat. | 55. | barre | f. bar, tiller, rudder, helm; jouer aux barres, to play at prisoners' base. | 56. | barricader | v. to barricade. | 57. | barrique | f. barrel, cask. | 58. | barrière | f. barrier, city wall, fence, railing. | 59. | bas | m. stocking. | 60. | bas, -se | adj., adv. and m. low, in a low tone, down, lower side, bottom; en --, below, downstairs; là---, yonder, over there; à --, down, down with, off; à — de, down from; par le --, along the bottom; mettr… 0,3 KB | | |