choisir un terme: 102 | page 5 de 6 | 81. | trot | m. trot; petit --, slow trot. | 82. | trottoir | m. sidewalk. | 83. | trou | m. hole. | 84. | trouble | m. trouble, embarrassment, confusion, disturbance, distress. | 85. | troubler | v. to trouble, disturb, confuse, excite; se --, be disturbed, become troubled. | 86. | trouer | v. to make a hole in, pierce; troué, -e, pierced, full of holes. | 87. | troupe | f. troop, crowd, brood (of chickens), litter (of pigs); de la --, soldiers. | 88. | troupeau | m. flock, herd. | 89. | troupier | m. trooper. | 90. | trousse | f. case; aux trousses (de), at one's heels. | 91. | trousseau | m. trousseau, outfit. | 92. | trouver | v. to find, consider, discover, hit on; se --, find oneself, be found, chance to be, be, find that one has, offer an opportunity; s'en — bien, find it good for one. | 93. | truffe | f. truffle. | 94. | truie | f. sow. | 95. | truisse | f. clump of trees (used especially in La Vendée). | 96. | trumeau | m. pier (of a wall), pier-glass. | 97. | très | adv. very, very much. | 98. | trébucher | v. to stumble, trip. | 99. | trépignement | m. stamping. | 100. | trépigner | v. to stamp. | | |