choisir un terme: 102 | page 1 de 6 | 1. | tracasser | v. to vex, plague, annoy. | 2. | trace | f. trace, mark, track. | 3. | tracer | v. to trace. | 4. | tradition | f. tradition. | 5. | traduction | f. translation. | 6. | traduire | v. to translate. | 7. | tragique | adj. tragic. | 8. | tragédie | f. tragedy. | 9. | trahir | v. to betray. | 10. | train | m. pace, rate, bustle, course, train, raft, train of boats; en — de, in the act of, about to; — de bateaux, line of boats, tow. | 11. | trainer | v. to drag, draw, drawl; se --, drag oneself along. | 12. | trait | m. trace, shaft, trait, feature, draught. | 13. | traiter | v. to treat, treat of; — de, treat as, call. | 14. | traité | m. treaty, agreement. | 15. | trajet | m. journey, trip, distance, way. | 16. | tramway | m. tramway, street-car. | 17. | tranche | f. slice. | 18. | trancher | v. to cut, cut off or out, stand out, form a contrast; tranchant, -e, adj. cutting, sharp. | 19. | tranquille | adj. tranquil, quiet; laisser --, to let alone, let be; vivre --, live quietly (ll in this and the next three words is not liquid). | 20. | tranquillement | adv. tranquilly, quietly. | | |