choisir un terme: 295 | page 9 de 15 | 161. | bond | m. bound, leap, jump. | 162. | bondir | v. to bound, leap. | 163. | bonheur | m. happiness, good fortune. | 164. | bonhomme | m. good-natured or worthy old fellow, old fellow, fellow, little fellow, worthy man. | 165. | bonjour | m. good day, good morning. | 166. | bonnement | adv. simply. | 167. | bonnet | m. bonnet, cap; — de police, foraging or fatigue cap; gros --, big man; important person (familiar). | 168. | bonsoir | m. good evening. | 169. | bonté | f. goodness, kindness. | 170. | bord | m. edge, border, bank, shore, brim, rail, side, sill, tip; à --, on board; — à --, side by side; à son --, on board bis boat; vie de --, life on board ship; sur le — des lèvres, on the tip of the t… 0,3 KB | 171. | border | v. to border. | 172. | bordereau | m. account, note, memorandum. | 173. | borne | f. limit, mile-stone, stone post (at the corner of a bouse, etc.), stepping-stone, horse-block. | 174. | bosse | f. hump, bump. | 175. | bossuer | v. to dent, bruise; bossué, -e, bruised, knotted. | 176. | botte | f. boat, hoof, bundle. | 177. | bottine | f. shoe (high). | 178. | bouche | f. mouth. | 179. | boucher | m. butcher. | 180. | bouchon | m. stopper, cork, pothouse, tavern. | | |