choisir un terme: 75 | page 1 de 4 | 1. | Perse | f. Persia; tapis de --, Persian rug. | 2. | peau | f. skin. | 3. | peindre | v. to paint, picture. | 4. | peine | f. suffering, grief, pain, difficulty, trouble, labor, hard work, anxiety, torment; à --, scarcely; c'est à — si, scarcely. | 5. | peiner | v. to trouble, pain. | 6. | peinture | f. painting, paint. | 7. | pelisse | f. pelisse, fur coat. | 8. | pelle | f. shovel. | 9. | peloton | m. ball of worsted, platoon, group; — de travail, shift. | 10. | penchant | m. slope, propensity. | 11. | pencher | v. to bend, lean, bow; se --, bend, lean, lean over; penché, -e, bent, bowed, leaning. | 12. | pendant | prep. during, for (time); — que, conj. while. | 13. | pendre | v. to hang. | 14. | pendule | f. clock, mantel-clock. | 15. | penser | v. to think, think out; pensez, think, you may imagine. | 16. | penseur | m. thinker. | 17. | pensif, -ive | adj. thoughtful. | 18. | pension | f. pension, board, boarding-house, boarding-school. | 19. | pensionnaire | m., f. boarder, boarding-school boy or girl. | 20. | pensée | f. thought, thinking. | | |