choisir un terme: 46 | page 1 de 3 | 1. | place | f. place, square, position, stronghold, room; sur --, on the spot; — forte, stronghold; faire — à, to make way for; — d'Armes, parade-ground. | 2. | placer | v. to place. | 3. | placide | adj. placid. | 4. | plafond | m. ceiling. | 5. | plage | f. shore, beach. | 6. | plaie | f. wound, gare. | 7. | plaindre | v. to pity; se — de; complain of, lament. | 8. | plaine | f. plain. | 9. | plainte | f. complaint, wail. | 10. | plaire | v. to please; plût à Dieu, would to God; se --, be pleased; s'il vous plaît, if you please; plaisant, -e, adj. and s. pleasing, pleasant, joker; mauvais plaisant, sorry or practical joker, joker. | 11. | plaisanter | v. to joke, jest. | 12. | plaisanterie | f. joke. | 13. | plaisir | m. pleasure. | 14. | plan | m. plan, plane. | 15. | planche | f. plank, board, skinny woman (slang in last sense). | 16. | plancher | m. floor. | 17. | planer | v. to goal. | 18. | plante | f. plant. | 19. | planter | v. to plant, place, fix; — là, plant there, give the slip to, leave in the lurch. | 20. | plaque | f. tablet, metal badge. | | |