choisir un terme: 275 | page 10 de 14 | 181. | tranquillement | adv. tranquilly, quietly. | 182. | tranquilliser | v. to tranquilize, quiet, make easy. | 183. | tranquillité | f. tranquillity, quiet, ease (of mind). | 184. | transcrire | v. to transcribe. | 185. | transe | f. fright, pang. | 186. | transformer | v. to transform. | 187. | transi, -e | adj. chilled, benumbed. | 188. | transparent, -e | adj. transparent. | 189. | transpiration | f. perspiration, transpiration. | 190. | transport | m. transportation, transport, rapture. | 191. | transporter | v. to transport, convey, carry. | 192. | trappe | f. trap-door. | 193. | trapu, -e | adj. thick-set, dumpy. | 194. | traquer | v. to track, hunt, pursue (closely). | 195. | travail | m. work, labor, laboring; instrument de --, tool. | 196. | travailler | v. to work, till, plow through, torment; travaillé, -e, worked, wrought. | 197. | travers | m. breadth, width; à --, through, across; au — de, through; en --, crosswise; en — de, across, through; de --, awry, not on straight, crooked, crosswise, sidewise, askance, wrong. | 198. | traverser | v. to cross, pass through, traverse. | 199. | traversée | f. crossing, passage. | 200. | traînée | f. trail. | | |