choisir un terme: 275 | page 7 de 14 | 121. | tombeau | m. tomb, tombstone. | 122. | tomber | v. to fall, fall down, drop; faire --, make fall, empty (ashes, etc.); le jour tombe, it grows dark; à la nuit tombante, au jour tombant, at nightfall. | 123. | ton | m. tone. | 124. | ton, ta | (tes, pl.), poss. adj. pr. (familiar), your (occasionally: thy). | 125. | tonne | f. tun, hogshead. | 126. | tonneau | m. cask, barrel, ton. | 127. | tonner | v. to thunder. | 128. | toque | f. Hat cap, toque (the French judge's toque suggests a cylinder flaring at the top). | 129. | torche | f. torch. | 130. | tordre | v. to twist, wring; se --, writhe, laugh convulsively. | 131. | torrent | m. torrent, flood. | 132. | tors, -e | adj. twisted, crooked. | 133. | torse | m. trunk (of a person), body. | 134. | tort | m. wrong, harm, stigma; avoir --, to be wrong; à --, wrongly. | 135. | tortiller | v. to twist. | 136. | tortu, -e | adj. crooked, gnarled. | 137. | tortue | f. tortoise, turtle. | 138. | torture | f. torture, torment; mettre l'esprit à la --, to rack one's brains. | 139. | torturer | v. to torture, torment. | 140. | toucher | v. to touch, touch on; — à, touch, meddle with, border on, draw near; touchant,-e, touching, pathetic. | | |