choisir un terme: 196 | page 10 de 10 | 181. | vouer | v. to devote, consecrate, dedicate. | 182. | vouloir | v. to wish, will, be willing, require, decree, start, expert; — bien, be willing, be willing to, accept; — bien de; be willing to accept; — dire, mean; en — à, have a grudge against, be angry wit… 0,3 KB | 183. | vous | conj. and disj. pr. you, to you. | 184. | vous-même (s) | pr. you, yourself, yourselves. | 185. | voyage | m. voyage, journey, trip, traveling, travels. | 186. | voyager | v. to travel. | 187. | voyageur | m. traveler. | 188. | voûte | f. vault, arch. | 189. | voûter | v. to vault. | 190. | vôtre | poss. adj. pr. (usually with the article), yours. | 191. | vrai, -e | adj. true, real; bien --, really; dire --, to speak the truth. | 192. | vraiment | adv. truly, really. | 193. | vraisemblance | f. likelihood, probability (s pronounced as in sembler). | 194. | vue | f. view, sight; perdre de --, to lose sight of. | 195. | vulgaire | adj. vulgar, low, common. | 196. | vulnérable | adj. vulnerable. | | |