choisir un terme: 196 | page 8 de 10 | 141. | vite | adv. quickly. | 142. | vitesse | f. speed. | 143. | vitre | f. window-pane. | 144. | vitrer | v. to glaze; vitré, -e, adj. glass. | 145. | vitreux, -euse | adj. glassy. | 146. | vivacité | f. vivacity. | 147. | vivement | adv. quickly, briskly, heartily, intensely, keenly. | 148. | vivre | v. to live, be alive; pour --, live, live on; vive!; long live!; vivant, -e, living, alive. | 149. | vociférer | v. to vociferate, bawl. | 150. | voeu | m. vow, wish. | 151. | voici | prep. here is, here are, ago, you see here, etc.; le --, here he (it) is. | 152. | voie | f. way; en bonne --, on the road to recovery. | 153. | voile | m. veil, sail; toile à --, sail-cloth. | 154. | voiler | v. to veil. | 155. | voilà | prep. there is, there are, you see there, that's it, that's how it is, there you have it, here is, etc.; le --, there he (it) is; — que, suddenly, it happened that, now; — deux jours que, for two d… 0,3 KB | 156. | voir | v. to see; voyons, let us see, come now!; voyez-vous, just see, you see; — la chose, see the thing, see about the matter; faire --, show; nous verrons cela, we'll see about that; bien vu, in favor; … 0,3 KB | 157. | voisin, -e | adj. and s. neighboring, adjoining, bordering, neighbor. | 158. | voisinage | m. neighborhood; de --, neighborly. | 159. | voiture | f. carriage. | 160. | voix | f. voice; d'une — rauque, hoarsely. | | |