choisir un terme: 125 | page 4 de 7 | 61. | parisien, -ne | adj. and s. Parisian (written Parisien when s.). | 62. | parlementaire | adj. parliamentary. | 63. | parler | v. to speak, talk, talk of. | 64. | parmi | prep. among. | 65. | paroisse | f. parish, parish., church. | 66. | parole | f. word, speech; prendre la --, to speak; adresser la — à, speak to. | 67. | paroli | m. paroli, double stake or bet. | 68. | parrain | m. godfather. | 69. | part | f. part, direction, share; d'une --, on the one hand; d'autre --, on the other hand; quelque --, somewhere, anywhere; de — en --, through and through. | 70. | partager | v. to share, divide, distribute. | 71. | parterre | m. rear of orchestra, pit (theater). | 72. | parti | m. party, decision, side, match; prendre le (son) --, to make up one's (his) mind; prendre un --, come to a decision, en tirer --, reap advantage, profit by it. | 73. | participation | f. participation. | 74. | participer | v. to participate, take part, be an accomplice. | 75. | particulier, -ère | adj. particular, peculiar, private. | 76. | particulièrement | adv. particularly. | 77. | partie | f. part, portion, game; avoir — gagnée, to win. | 78. | partir | v. to depart, leave, burst out, set out, go off, give vent; begin; à — de, from; partant, m. departing one. | 79. | partout | adv. everywhere; de --, from everywhere, on all sides. | 80. | parure | f. ornament, set of jewels, attire. | | |