choisir un terme: 531 | page 18 de 27 | 341. | posséder | v. to possess, own, have. | 342. | poste | f. post, post-office, mail, mail-coach; chaise de --, post-chaise; m. military post, post, position. | 343. | poster | v. to post; se --, to be posted or established. | 344. | postillon | m. postilion. | 345. | posture | f. posture. | 346. | pot | m. pot. | 347. | potage | m. thick soup. | 348. | potence | f. gaUows, gibbet. | 349. | pouce | m. thumb, inch. | 350. | poudre | f. powder, dust; en --, powdered. | 351. | poudrer | v. to powder, sprinkle (powder, dust, money, etc.) on. | 352. | poudreux, -euse | adj. dusty. | 353. | poudroyer | v. to be dusty. | 354. | pouiller | v. to get the lice out of, clean, get into. | 355. | poulailler | m. chicken-house. | 356. | poule | f. hen, fowl, chicken; chair de --, goose-flesh. | 357. | poulet | m. chicken. | 358. | poulie | f. pulley. | 359. | poupée | f. doll. | 360. | pour | prep. for, to, in order to, in regard to; — que, conj. that, in order that, for; substantively: le — et le contre, the pros and cons; — deux sous, two cents' worth. | | |