choisir un terme: 531 | page 20 de 27 | 381. | Prusse | f. Prussia. | 382. | pratique | adj. and f. practice, practical. | 383. | pratiquer | v. to practice, frequent, put up, make. | 384. | premier, -ère | adj. first, greatest; porte du --, second story door; gravir le --, to be the first to climb (abbreviated: 1er). | 385. | prendre | v. to take, take on, catch, seize, get, acquire, regard, make (resolutions, arrangements), assume (an air); se — à, begin; s'y --, go about it; — le galop, take to a gallop; — à travers, cut acros… 0,4 KB | 386. | presqu'île | f. peninsula. | 387. | presque | adv. almost. | 388. | pressentiment | m. presentiment. | 389. | pressentir | v. to have a presentiment, foresee. | 390. | presser | v. to press, hurry, urge; se --, be in a hurry, crowd, press, press close; aller d'un pas pressé, hurry along; pressant, -e, pressing, urgent; pressé, -e, pressed, in a hurry, hurried, quick, hasty. | 391. | pression | f. pressure. | 392. | preuve | f. proof. | 393. | prier | v. to pray, beg. | 394. | prieur | m. prior. | 395. | primaire | adj. primary. | 396. | primo | adv. firstly, in the first place. | 397. | prince | m. prince; princesse, f. princess. | 398. | principal, -e | adj. and m. principal. | 399. | principalement | adv. principally. | 400. | printemps | m. spring. | | |