choisir un terme: 275 | page 2 de 14 | 21. | tanière | f. den, lair. | 22. | tanner | v. to tan. | 23. | tanneur | m. tanner. | 24. | tant | adv. so much, so many; — que, conj. so long as, as much as, so much, as many; — bien que mal, as well as possible, fairly well. | 25. | tante | f. aunt. | 26. | tantôt | adv. soon, a little ago, before long, just now; — ... --, now ... now. | 27. | tapage | m. uproar, noise, disturbance. | 28. | tapageur, -euse | adj. and s. roistering, noisy, uproarious, riotous, brawler, roisterer, noisy fellow. | 29. | tape | f. rap, slap. | 30. | taper | v. to slap, strike, stamp; — de l'oeil, drop off (asleep). | 31. | tapir (se) | v. to crouch; tapi, -e, crouching. | 32. | tapis | m. carpet, rug, table-cover, cloth; — vert, green baize (of the table). | 33. | tard | adv. late. | 34. | tarder | v. to be late, be slow in, be long in; il lui tardait de, he was anxious to. | 35. | tardif, -ive | adj. tardy. | 36. | tarir | v. to dry up, exhaust; ne point — en, never get tired making. | 37. | tas | m. pile, heap. | 38. | tasse | f. cup. | 39. | taudis | m. hovel, dirty hale. | 40. | tâche | f. task. | | |