choisir un terme: 275 | page 3 de 14 | 41. | tâcher | v. to try. | 42. | tâter | v. to feel, feel of. | 43. | tâtons (à) | adv. groping, feeling one's way. | 44. | te | conj. pr. (familiar), you, to you (occasionally: thee, to thee). | 45. | teigneux, -euse | adj. scurvy. | 46. | teindre | v. to dye. | 47. | teint | m. dye, tint, complexion. | 48. | teinte | f. tint, tinge, hue, coloring. | 49. | tel, -le | adj. such; un --, such a, such and such a one, so and so; connu pour --, known as such, known to be so. | 50. | tellement | adv. so, to such a degree. | 51. | tempe | f. temple (of the head). | 52. | temps | m. time, weather; dans le --, in former times; dans les premiers --, at first (pronounced as the adverb tant). | 53. | tempête | f. tempest. | 54. | tendon | m. tendon, sinew. | 55. | tendre | adj. tender. | 56. | tendrement | adv. tenderly. | 57. | tendresse | f. tenderness, fondness, affection. | 58. | tenir | v. to hold, keep, get, keep to, stick to, be contained in; tiens!, tenez!, wait!, see!, there!, here!, ah!; — à, insist on, be attached to, cling to, cherish, be anxious about, deliver (a speech) to… 0,5 KB | 59. | tentation | f. temptation. | 60. | tentative | f. attempt. | | |